Interspecies Society

Nature has been excluded from the economy, with disastrous consequences. Breakthroughs in understanding non-human communication, cognition, and commerce will create an interspecies society that’s both prosperous and sustainable, where animals, plants, and the environment are active and equal participants

Analyses and Insights

Interspecies Society – Collaboration board
Coming in the future
Watch this space, or send us your suggestions for a future topic.
Coming in the future
Watch this space, or send us your suggestions for a future topic.
An interspecies economy
Imagine a world where not only people (real and fictitious, i.e. corporations) had legal and economic standing: what if the Arctic had an accountant, and the Amazon an investment advisor?
Nonhuman intelligences and animal cognition
Thanks to advances in sensors, signal processing, and other high technologies, we are for the first time starting to understand the perceptions, communication, and cognition of plants, animals, and even machines. How will these new participants change the economy, culture, and civilization?

Scans and Snapshots

Interspecies Society – Collaboration board